
Turn, turn, turn

Sometimes, on days like this, it's hard to believe that it will be like this

in a few months.

But you know what?  I'm not dreading it like I was a couple of months ago.  I'm actually excited about fall and it's crisp autumn air and the crunchy leaves under my feet.  God was pretty smart the way he made the seasons- just when you're really, really sick of winter, spring comes around and you really appreciate it and you prematurely wear flip flops and skirts.  And then when you're really hankerin' for the sun, summer comes and warms your little soul up.  Then, when you're sweating in your sleep and freckle-faced and scorching your feet on the concrete, fall starts to approach and it always brings this new excitement:  back-to-school supplies feeling, you know.  And then it's been so many months since you've seen snow, you're ready to see the world caked in white, totally clean once again.  

...Or maybe it's just because I've only been through one Erie winter?


Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

October is just 'round the corner and you will be shoveling off your porch for halloween triks and treats

Dave said...

The way I see it, we still have two months of glorious weather...and then at the end of September, we'll be ready for the change.

I have been through many Erie winters and -- perhaps I'm weird -- but I never grow tired of them. There's nothing quite like the anticipation in October and November of that first big snowstorm of the year. Something about it turns me into a 4 year old little boy again.

Danielle said...

i hardly ever go to church on sat. night - it just doesn't work for our schedule. if i do end up going, i will let you know in advance, because WE NEED TO MEET!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

yep, you are an Erieite!

freakface said...

Put up that post in February.