
Harder Than I Thought

After the initial post-pregnancy weight loss, I am at a stand-still. Have been for weeks and weeks. I still have about 15 lbs. to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight but it's not leaving easily. I thought that if you breastfed, pounds just flew away like little birdies. Alas, they do not. Also, I'm not at work anymore and although I have healthier foods at home, I also have limitless access to snacking. I'm trying to be more conscientious and intentional about exercising but I think it probably comes down to the snacking. We don't have junk food in our house and I prepare healthy meals but eating wheat thins and feta cheese spread and cliff bars just because they are there probably isn't best.

It's not about the number on the scale, it's also about the practicality of fitting into my clothes...not squeezing. I am seriously limited in the number of pants & shorts that I can button without having a muffin top. I currently have a workout journal and I think, for now, I probably should start a food journal just to be mindful of mindless snacking. Sometimes it just happens when I have Henry on my hip and I'm walking around and I make a lap through the kitchen, grab a bite, loop through again. ANYWAYS, just something I'm going to work on. I think I grossly overestimate the amount of calories that breastfeeding burns. Turns out- it's not a get out of jail free card.
The end.


The Tylers said...

I breast fed both of mine and neither time did the weight totally come off until AFTER I quit....probably not the answer u might be looking for, but it was just easier after I stopped bf! It will happen, just continue eating smart.

Danny Lucas said...

I think it is in Ecclesiastes, around Chapter 3 with "there is a season for everything under the heavens...

a time to be born,
a time to die.

a time to be thin,
a time to be thicker. etc"

Later translations skipped this vital knowledge and wisdom from Solomon.

Though the above remains in dispute to this day, just Photoshop your pictures, as Hollywood does, and wisdom, nor weight, will matter.

Billy Joel sings:
"We love you just the way you are!"
Of course, he has gone through as many wives as Solomon, so maybe it is hit the track time anyway.

Good luck!

Bethany said...

I think you look amazing and are absolutely beautiful! Remember with breast feeding your body does need more calories for all of the ones you are burning. And I know the extra calories you are choosing to eat are good ones.

CaseyWiegand said...

I am right there with you...its sad and hard :(...I hate it....

Melanie said...

Muffin tops are cool! Right?

C and G said...

So I've heard that the benefits to the mom come at 3 months....and I am hoping that comes true!! The last few pounds are stubborn. Plus they have all, umm, rearranged.

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Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Nope.....I was the same way....I could come home from the hospital in like 24 hours and put my clothes on (cuz I only gained like 25 w/each kid) but as soon as the breastfeeding kicked in...I would gain weight and I was an avid exerciser all the way to labor and w/in 2 weeks after giving birth. I actually weigh less now than I did before any of my kids by a couple of lbs. but unfortunately your body itself can change (after 3 kids) and so just because you weigh the same or are even thinner you might not wear the same size you did before etc. Health is what counts.....healthy and happy. Screw the scale....

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Plus, isn't he only like 11 weeks old??? It took 9 months to put in on girl......you have to give yourself at least 9 months to get it back off and sometimes even longer.