
Why I Like Running


Buckle up for a trip down memory lane.

This is a picture of me as a sophomore in high school (I'm the one in the water with the white tank). This is during a cross-country meet and it looks like I'm pushing some girl into the water. Maybe I was. It makes me look like a vicious competitor which makes me laugh because I'm really not so much. That's my friend Mary Lou right in front of me. I miss running with her.

The end.


Marylou said...

I miss running with you too! (and just running period.) Do you remember when we devoted half of our summers to working out and the other half to laying out and getting tan? ha! wow, have things changed ;)

ps. I think you WERE pushing that chick in the water. Also, you lost your shoe in that lake and I think continued to run the rest of the race?

Lora said...

I remember this day WELL!

The Tylers said...

Wow! Where was that meet? I too like to run for the many benefits it gives and for the friends I have made along the way!

Ann Miller said...

so have you started speaking some asian language, or, is there just someone new reading and commenting on your blog? i am confused!! translated, i think all that says is you are beautiful and wonderful and the best mother ever; and all of your family, including extended, is just great!!! then in says, p.s.---no way you could stand to lose 15 more pounds!!
strangers can be so nice!!

Christie Lee said...

hey email me the the pic and I will adjust it to the size of the header for you. Although i do like how big and in your face Henry is.