
Wild Man

Returning home means regrouping, reorganizing, returning to a schedule and routine. Returning home is kinda like the first day of school- remember, you had your trapper keeper all organized and your folders clearly labeled, notebooks ready for homework and, you just knew, that this was going to be the year! This is the year that I will stay organized and on top of things and I will be neat and structured!

Right now, I have my September 15th piece of notebook paper ready- it has my to-do list for the day, I am trying to get back onto the food journal train (after a 2-week hiatus of no exercise and eating like I was going to have my mouth stapled shut any minute). I am working on getting Henry to nap a little longer and more consistently. I am organizing my life! I am ready!

But, we all know, by the 2nd week of school, your folders were ripped, penmanship sloppy, there were loose sheets of crumpled paper floating around in your backpack, missing homework worksheet, and your notebook had doodles all over it. But, for now, there is hope!


Olson Family said...

I think people who have little kids that can "keep it all together" must employ a maid, cook, and a baby whisperer otherwise it's near impossible to keep everything straight...the worst thing for me is for sure the diaper bag...it's like a catch all...not good...

Lindsay said...

oh his face is too cute!!

Ann Miller said...

love the trapper keeper analogy!! oh, trapper keepers...when keeping that thing organized was the most challenging part of our lives...i often have "organizing my life" spurts; why do i keep having them??