

Henry is already over 9 months old and I am beginning to wonder about weaning. How do you do it? We have advanced to breakfast, lunch, and supper with solids and sometimes snacks but I'm using pumped milk for cereal at breakfast and supper, usually. But, I still am nursing several times a day and I'm wondering what strategies are out there for weaning. I really have had a great experienced with breast feeding but as we approach the 1-year mark, I am curious how you ever stop and I want to have a plan so that we can have a smooth transition when the time comes. (Prayerfully smooth....)

Anything that worked for you? Anything that did not work for you?


Marylou said...

Ok, so clearly I could write a book about this :) But I remember at 9 months T was eating milk 4 times a day...first thing in the morning, a mid-am snack, an afternoon snack, and right before bed. I think gradually I starting replacing those with actual snacks?? Then the last feedings we gave up were the morning and night. YOu might also want to start trying to give Henry some of your milk in a bottle or sippee cup so he can start making the transition to whole. Since we used formula we started out gradually mixing formula with whole milk more and more until she was drinking whole at one year. I also had to mix some vanilla soy milk with the whole at first to get her to drink the whole milk by itself since the soy is a little sweet like breastmilk. Hope that helps some!! I promise it will all work out!! :)

Olson Family said...

that is one (of many) subjects I know nothing about. I would say substitute nursing with hand spun milkshakes from chic fil a. Yea, I bet that would make his transition smooth:)

CaseyWiegand said...

hey I just asked my doc about this and she told me to keep aiden on formula until he was one year and then I should start moving to all foods/cows milk? who knows? All I know is that when I weaned from bf it hhuuurrttttttttttt!

C and G said...

I have been asking that same question...It seems like lately C is naturally making food her priority during the day and her milk secondary. I have read that nutritionally, milk is primary until 12mos or so. We are doing 4 feedings daily. I have heard to just give up one at a time and take it slow. We are going to start with the daytime feedings when C can transition to whole milk and try to keep the morning and evening feedings (which she seems to need more). My goal is to wean straight to whole milk instead of having to transition twice (formula then milk). I'll be glad to give up the work pumpings when its time!
Good luck! (sorry so much info :)

Deb said...

Just wait for him to stiff arm you and break your heart....that is how it was done 27 years ago.