
Ham Baby

Henry sportin' his Baylor hat.
Sic 'em bears!

Went in for a sonogram on Monday morning. The sonographer estimated the baby to be quite large (like already over 7 lbs.). The doctor said, "That baby's a ham! You oughta baste it for Thanksgiving!" I laughed. Big babies is the way we roll in our family. Henry was 8 lbs. 14 oz. and this one feels even larger.


Lora said...

The James genes strike again!

Bethany said...

Most of my nieces and nephews have been pretty big babies and they all have been incredibly happy babies too! I love them a little chubs, more to love!

Danielle said...

my mom had it rough. i was 8.7, my sis was 9. something and my other sis was 10.2! i hear they only get bigger!!!!