

One thing that I'll really miss about living up here is having a basement! Having both grown up south of the Mason-Dixon, Adam and I stored our junk in closets, garages or attics. We had no idea the hoarding capabilities that the basement offered!

basement pro:
lots of storage

basement con:

items stored in basement smell like basement

basement con:
have to walk down tiny stairs to do my laundry

basement pro:
excuse to not do laundry (especially while pregnant...can't be carrying a laundry basket down tiny stairs, right? hey-O! Well, that only worked during my 1st pregnancy.)

basement con:
A Kevin-in-Home-Alone type fear of basement sometimes

basement pro:
you can do an entire blog post about basements when your brain is too fried to think of anything else to write

1 comment:

Kate said...

It is seriously one of the worst things about living in Texas...other than the stupid feeders/access roads.