
Snore, snore.

When I was a kid, I slept like a rock. My mom said that I could sleep through a tornado. She'd come in my room to wake me up in the morning or, most of the time, holler from the bottom of the stairs, "Camille, are you going to school today?" Don't be fooled, though. It wasn't a question. If I dared to say, "No." She'd say, "I don't think so! Get up." You had to be a) vomiting or b) have a temperature over 100 degrees to stay home from school. I envied the other kids who got to stay home with "headaches". Now, I'm glad because I had that same attendance ethic drilled into my head for college & work and, of course, my framed "Perfect Attendance" certificates really spruce up the living room (joke.)

Anywhoos, the point was that I used to sleep like a rock. However, that all changed freshman year of college. I don't know what the transition was but I became a light sleeper. One who had to have ideal conditions to doze off. My bladder must be completely empty- this involves going to the restroom a few times while in the dozing off phase. I must have water beside my bed- at least 10 oz. or else I need to fill it up. It'll nag at me if I don't have enough water there. The beginnings of O.C.D.? I think not! Anyways, Adam can fall asleep like *that* and will sleep like a rock. I remember when we were first married, Powers would wake up in the middle of the night and need to go outside. Well, obviously, only I would wake up and so I'd drag myself out of bed and open the back door and stand in the doorway watching Powers because back then, we didn't have a fenced-in yard. Then I'd have to do my bathroom/water routine and crawl back into bed. Well, my newly-wed generousity wore off and I got tired of doing this. So then when Powers would start whining I would kick Adam really hard in the shins and then act like I was asleep. He'd assume ( I think) that he just woke up and would get up and let Powers out. Well, it would work some nights. Other nights I ended up just taking the dog out but still. I'm happy to report that Powers never wakes up before the alarm goes off these days. Victory!!!

I had a roommate in college, Caroline, who was a super hard sleeper, too. She would NEVER hear the alarm go off. Never, ever. Our senior year, she was in the room beside Lindsey & I and she always set her alarm for really early because she was very optimistic and always thought she would wake up and get a lot of stuff done even if she'd gone to bed at 3 a.m. After throwing shoes at the wall for 4 minutes, Lindsey and I usually ended up walking into her room and waking her up so that she could press snooze or turn off the alarm. One day, though, she came home with the "World's Loudest Alarm" (That's what it said on the box!) Oh, boy! This'll get her up, for sure. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Well, the next morning at 6 a.m. the house shook with the loudest church bells you've ever heard GONG, GONG, GONG, GONG! Lindsey and I shot out of bed thinking we were asleep in a bell tower or else were under some weird airraid. Nope, it was Caroline's new alarm clock. She still didn't wake up and we ended up denting our wall pretty badly from throwing shoes, books, and anything else that we could find. After a few weeks, I think Caroline "misplaced' that alarm clock. I wonder where it is?

Brooke is coming today! She is flying in to look at apartments, townhomes, and houses here in ole Erie, PA! We're excited to have her and lend our expert (ahem) wisdom on Erie to our pal. She'll be here until Saturday and so we'll get a good visit in with her!


Anonymous said...

i can completely relate. rob falls asleep in like 5 seconds, and it takes me at least 30 minutes with several bathroom trips. i also either need complete silence or a fan to drown out other noises.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, I hope she finds something she likes b/c I know it can be tough in Erie!

Lora said...

You forgot to tell how you slept through the smoke alarm the night that you and Sunny almost burned the house down! It's a "Male Deal" to sleep like the dead-Your Dad knows I am sleeping with one ear cocked to keep him protected!
Enjoy your company, Miss Hostess with the Mostest!

Deb said...

Jim probably wouldn't even hear the world's loudest alarm....but if a phone rings he will hear it thinking it is his wake up call from the desk...haha. Go fig?
Glad to hear maybe Sophie will learn to sleep all the night thru eventually!

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Wear a depends or a pull-up to bed and put one on Power's too.

Ann Miller said...

i'm sorry to say, the sleeping thing gets worse w/babies...you don't sleep b/c they keep you up; then, when they are sleeping soundly, you don't sleep b/c you think something must be wrong...bottom line--you learn to function in a state of exhaustion. there are worse things...

freakface said...

If you and yours decide to have children, Powers will seem like a cake walk for the first n months where n is around 12. After that, you'll just spend half the night up when they're sick, out with friends, driving home from school, etc. Yeah. Your life of sleep is coming to an end.

Olson Family said...

haha Did you ever hear Lindsey wake up suddenly, sit up in her bed, and carry on an intense conversation with herself for about 2 minutes and then drop back down as fast as she woke up???? SCARY.

the Jennings secede from the South said...

SO SCARY! I did hear that. She's a wild sleeper!

carrie b. said...

OH MY GOSH! I just laughed really hard remembering that alarm clock. The amazing thing is...it woke ME up from across the house! I used to walk into her room and ask if she was getting up or if I should hit snooze. I really shouldn't have asked if she wanted to snooze because I sure didn't want to be up at 6:00 in the morning like her. Good times.