Maybe cake is the answer, after all. My dear friend, Brooke Ackley, sent me these pictures that she had taken at Henry's birthday. (She's so talented...doesn't it make you sick? She should seriously quit her job and do THIS for a living!)
Incidentally, it's her birthday today. Not just any ol' birthday- her golden birthday. 27 on the 27th!
Thank you for all the advice about adding protein and variety to Henry's diet. You gave me some great ideas and perspective! I know everyone has different opinions about this but Adam gave him creamy peanut butter last night and he LOVED it. Maybe this will be our great ally for putting some pounds on our little peanut and hopefully he won't develop a peanut allergy. Also, I will say that the Yo Baby's with the vegetable puree have been a lifesaver, too. Thanks for all the help and ideas!
He's interested in what is going on--but not so interested to stop cramming cake into his mouth. She is a GREAT photographer.
Those are some awesome pictures!! I missed your post on picky eaters as we are out of town and I'm not checking blogs as much( if u can believe that!) but I have one picky eater on my hands. It's hard as LG won't eat anything but Jake will eat his food and then hers....
Peanut butter is always a good idea and I hate that I never pit as much thought into it and live some of the ideas offered on your comment section. LG eats little on some days and then a ton on the other days(ton being relative to her 24 pound frame...Jake was 26 at a year so there is an extreme difference).
My pediatrician suggested I cut out juice all together as it is an appetite suppresor and has no nutritional value. On hot days I give them Capri sun roaring waters...they don't have much sugar in them. Sorry I rambled. If you find something that works please share! I'm always open for suggestions!
I swear by peanut butter! Of course, my kids do not have an allergy. They started eating it around 2 yrs old and it does work great for a protein source. My DR said if you can get them to eat 2-3bites of something healthy, you are winning the battle.
he is ridiculously beautiful!
Love all the new pictures!! Such a cutie.
Look at those eyes! He is a very handsome boy and Brooke an excellent photographer!
he is so precious, camille. love those eyes!
Cam - thanks for your sweet comments... and posting the pictures. Henry is pretty easy to take pictures of seeing as he is stinkin adorable and those eyes make every single picture amazing.
PS - I feel like this is the first time I have commented on your blog in like 2 or 3 months?? weird.
PS again: I love your new background.
PPS: That middle B&W one... looks photoshoped but it seriously isnt! Just made it black & white.. his eyes & skin are that amazing! Meant to tell you that. It looks like it could be the front of a birthday card or something to me! ha
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