
Victory Over Bladder!

Be forewarned: this post may be over-sharing.

One of my college roommates was in town last week and she asked me if I still had the same nighttime habits. These habits are needing a completely full cup of water beside my bed and having a completely empty bladder. In fact, in August of 2007, I posted this on my blog:

Anyone who has ever slept in the same room with me can tell you this, I am obsessive about my nighttime water/bathroom ritual. I cannot fall asleep without water beside my head, and mind you, it has to be enough- half a nalgene or more. I cannot fall asleep with anything in my bladder. The result? I go to the bathroom, get in bed, take a sip of water. Minutes later, I feel the urge, I go to the bathroom, get in bed, take a sip. Sometimes I have to throw a water refilll in because my nalgene levels get to low. Repeat until asleep. Now, in college, I was AWFUL about this. My roommate, caroline, would always say "dribble, dribble" when I went to the bathroom because, well.. you can figure that one out.

Yeah, so this used to be a problem. This ritual would last like an hour or so, which is ridiculous, especially when my husband can fall asleep in 2 seconds flat (a good skill for a doctor with a weird schedule, though). However, it made me want to tweeze his eyebrows out because I was jealous that I couldn't fall asleep quickly, too!

Anyways, I was happy to report to Caroline (and you, too!) that I don't struggle with obsessive nighttime water/bladder rituals anymore. True Story! Yes, in fact, it became resolved during my first pregnancy. I was working full time and the baby was putting more and more pressure on my bladder and I was tired and frustrated. This nun who worked with me in student affairs (That's right, she was a nun), told me that everytime I gave in to the impulse to go to the bathroom, I was getting that habit more and more ingrained into my head. So, one night, I just decided...I will not sleep a wink, perhaps, but I am not getting up to go pee before I fall asleep!

And, boom, victory. Frequent Tinklers Anonymous success story.

Listen, Frequent Tinkling and Water-Refilling is serious business. But you are not alone and you can prevail. Admitting you have a problem is the first step.


adrian seney said...

I just laughed out loud!!!! I have that problem, too...only not so much the water, but the bathroom part. I CANNOT go to sleep without using the bathroom last thing. Seriously, if I use the bathroom, get in bed and a kid comes in my room and tells me there are monsters in her closet or some such nonsense, i have to start all over...back to the bathroom. Maybe it is a James thing?? So glad to hear you have overcome the curse...strong work!!

Lora said...


lauren said...

you may very well be the funniest person i know!

MrsOgg said...

Haha! I was reading this and chuckling to myself thinking, "Camille is craaaazy." when it suddenly dawned on me about my bedtime rituals. I also have to have the water but, pee right before bed (only once though) but, sometimes get up again to recheck the locks bc I can't remember if I locked all the doors. Or worse yet, I actually woke Annabel a few times by going to check her window lock (craaazy!). This doesn't bother my husband nearly as much as when I wake in the middle of the night and tell him there are burglars in the house!

Jenna Cox said...

hahaha. i just giggled all the way thru this...

Sarah Duke said...

OMG I thought I was the only crazy one that did this! I, too, have to have water on my nightstand, I'll go to the bathroom before I get in bed, and within 5-10 minutes, I'm getting out of bed to go again! I'm glad you broke your habit; maybe after reading how I can try to break mine!

Katy Liddle said...

HALLELUJAH! I was wondering about that. Do you know how many nights I wanted to secretly take your cup away?