

My body is getting adjusted to this new sleep schedule. Henry was up a lot last night- poor baby gets the hiccups a lot. Mom took him after his 8 a.m. feeding and I got to sleep for a while...niiiiice. Even when he does sleep, it can be difficult to fall asleep. I think part of it is menta- when you know that Henry will wake up by 2 1/2 hours after you lie down for his next feeding, you feel a lot of pressure to fall asleep quickly...it kinda makes you anxious and stressed out, not conducive to sleep. But I am adjusting and it is definitely more than worth it- that little nuggy is so precious and such a gift!


Jeff and Lauren said...

He looks so different in that second picture because of the "little man" collar. Cute! Keep the pictures coming. (Between your naps that is!)

Hannah Lee said...

Your body will adjust but just remember to take time for yourself (when u can I know its hard)! You are doing wonderful and he is beautiful, Camilly!

Deb said...

This won't last forever....it just feels like it. You will look back at the first few days as one huge blurrrr. Sounds like he is doing just great....therefore you are doing a wonderful job.

Melanie said...

It is hard, but you are doing the right thing. I think the key is sleep whenever you can for the first few weeks. I think your body kicks in and you can suddenly go to sleep quickly. Sleep as much as you can while your mom is there, so you don't get exhausted. They space those feedings out fairly quickly in the night. He is so very cute!

C and G said...

Ahhh! I feel you on that one. I can't quite figure out when exactly I'm supposed to sleep when her feedings take close to an hour and she wants to eat every 2 hours! But it's all worth it like you said :)

B said...

If you don't mind a stranger asking, where is that adorable elephant baby blanket from? I would love to gift it to one of my many pregnant friends.

the Jennings secede from the South said...

No problem! It's from IKEA. Shower gift and we loooove it. It comes in a set with a couple of other receiving blankets.