
No fool like an April fool

I work in an office with women from age 24 (me) to late 60's. Today we decided to pull a prank on our boss. Everyone separately typed up a memo that basically said , 'Dear Boss, I recently discovered I'm pregnant.. very excited.. yadee yadee. baby's due in November... need 6 weeks of maternity leave'. We all made our babies due towards November so that all of our maternity leave would overlap. So us younguns did more realistic letters and the older ladies did some pretty funny memos including a membo by a nun that works with us (her's was a riot!). Anywhoos, we compiled all the memos and placed them on our boss's chair with mine on top, for some reason. Well, she walks in and reads the top one and is like, "oh great..." but then she reads the others and she laughs and gets the joke. Hardee, har, righ? Well then she sends my memo up to my other boss on the 4th floor. 1st floor boss doesn't tell 4th floor boss that it's a joke so pretty soon I'm getting "Congratulations!" emails from random 4th floor faculty members. I somehow ended up getting the butt of that joke, hmmm.


Olson Family said...

you make me proud.....i read that entire post out loud to erik and he thought it was genious (especially the part about some of the "pregnant" women being in their late 60's...great detail addition to the story)

Olson Family said...

you make me proud.....i read that entire post out loud to erik and he thought it was genious (especially the part about some of the "pregnant" women being in their late 60's...great detail addition to the story)

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

ooooh, you better hope you didn't just jinx yourself w/that lil' prank......someone just may end up preggersj. You know how that works, right?

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

ooooh my j key is sticking again