

Okay, admittedly, the last past was lame. My apologies.

Tonight I had my girls' group. And what happens when a bunch of childless ladies get together with their pregnant gal? Billiions of questions, of course! What do you feel like? Do your boobs hurt? What's happening with your bellybutton? Breastfeeding? Will you have an epidural? How are babies made?

Concerning the epidural question, we had a good laugh the other week when a pregnant friend said, "You know, I thought a long time about if I would do the natural childbirth thing. But then I realized, 'Hey. It's not like you get a trophy or anything if you don't use drugs!'" Regardless of your thoughts, that's a pretty funny comment.


Lora said...

Actually I did get a trophy, a medal & a dozen roses, after natural childbirth with
Mr. 9 lb. 6 oz. and lifetime of bragging rights!

Yes-I did indeed enjoy Gray's after a LONG dry spell!

Anonymous said...

I had one natural and one w/ an epidural. There's no fool proof way to go and you have to prepare yourself bc there are many situations where they won't give you the drugs! Either way, you forget about the pain....

freakface said...

9 lb. 6 oz.? Pfft. They must breed 'em small down thar where y'all'r frum. Hell, up here if they ain't toppin 10-even we push 'em back in 'cuz they ain't dun yet.

Luckily I didn't have to give birth, drugs or not. Wait - they come out WHERE? No thanks. I'm good.

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

I had 2 w/epidural and 1 w/out. Probably could have had 2 w/out but doc talked me into it and then by the time the epi was in it was time to come out and he just slid out (no pushing) 3rd kid. The last 2 I waited as long as I could at home.....epidural or not....sitting in a hospital room waiting waiting waiting while in pain is no fun. I would rather be in pain at home.

Anonymous said...

I kind of agree that either way you leave the hospital with a baby, so I am indifferent as to how it makes its entrance into the world. Of course, that is also just what the pregnancy books say...no real experience to speak of!! :)

Brooke & Freeland said...

very funny! I guess i havent ever thought about what I would do - Im guessing I would happily accept any drug they offer. But who knows?!

Anonymous said...

Dear Freakface,
My mother was eating mexican at El Palinos and filing someone's tax returns when she had me and didn't even blink.
Just kidding, except different.