
Interviews & Flying Cars

Sooo, Adam has been interviewing for residency during the last couple of months. It has been so fun to see how excited he is about the different programs he visits and the cities he sees but I can see that he's getting tired of traveling. Adam has cancelled a few of his January/February interviews. They are at places that we know we couldn't possibly afford to live (Los Angeles and Boston) or programs that Adam really isn't interested in. So, now he only has a couple of interviews left to go!

Now, we are working on deciding how to rank the programs that he's visited so far. God has been really gracious to provide clarity as we talk about the cities and programs. We have been on the same page about most of the programs and are working through where we should rank each. Praying for wisdom and discernment.

I can't believe it's almost 2011. When Adam began medical school in 2007, the class of 2011 sounded ridiculous. May of 2011 seemed absurdly far away... like, flying cars and Meet the Jetson's-far-away. Now, it's upon us and our time in Erie is ending and I'm a mix of emotions. Sad to leave my friends. The Lord provided some amazing girls for me to walk with and lean on during the last few years. I can't even think about leaving all of them without getting emotional.

But, I am getting excited about the next adventure ahead of us. Not so much the packing of boxes and moving...but the adventure part will be fun!


Brooke & Freeland said...

now Im crying. lovely. dont blog about moving again. I cant take it. Or actually - just dont move because I cant take it. for reals. pllleeeeaaaassssseeeeeeeeeeee.

I already started thinking about when we do the little dinner on the beach with GG and how emotional it will be. Now are you crying??? Cause Im all emotional again. :)

Bethany said...

I think I'm in denial about moving this spring. I just can't imagine not living in the same town with you and our wonderful friends. I echo Brooke, please don't blog about this again. Thanks.

CaseyWiegand said...

just got all caught up on ur blog....
1. you are BEAUTIFUL
2. your boys r PRECIOUS

Sarah Lynne said...

STAAAAY! Dooon't leeeeave!!!

C and G said...

This is such an exciting time for you guys! Good luck with the rest of the interview/match process.