
sicky sick.

Well, I have arrived from Chicago. The weekend was fantastic and the wedding went off beautifully. Also, there were bridesmaids coming in from all over the country, people that robyn had known from all different times of life. And, that could've been bad, right? But it was so great and we all got along wonderfully and had a really fun girls weekend! And Robyn was a beautiful bride and the wedding was in this park and it was beautiful!

However, not everything was fantastic. Sunday, at the wedding, I started to get this headache. It progressed and eventually my head felt so bad and I was feeling nauseated. So, I felt bad because I wanted to be upbeat bridesmaid, but I felt like poop. So, I found this place to lie down where no one could see me (in the tent where robyn got ready) and laid on the ground. But then I started feeling really sick to my stomach. And the wedding was outside, so I was like well maybe if I walk around I'll feel better. Well, everyone was dancing, no one was really sitting, so I went and sat by Robyn's grandmother because I knew if I sat alone, someone would think I was depressed-loner girl and want to come pity-talk to me. And I did not feel up to talking. So, I'm sitting by Robyn's nanny, who doesn't mind sitting silently while I do lamaze-style breathing. Then, suddenly I'm like, oh man i'm going to be sick. So I walk over to the pond and sit on some slate stones. Then I realize Robyn's little cousin (7 years old) has followed me over there.) He's a sweet little guy but I couldn't say, hey listen. I'm about to vomit. Shoo. I couldn't really talk at all, I was trying to fight the urge. But then it happened. I threw up everywhere 4 times and it got on my bridesmaid dress. Lovely. Riley (robyn's cousin) said "What happened?" And I tearfully said "I just threw up." And he said "do you feel better?" And I said, "Yeah." And he said, "Maybe we should go dance." cutie pie. Anywhoos, now I need to find someone to take me back to the hotel. Luckily as I walked towards the dance floor, Robyn's friend Amy, who is an angel of kindness , was like whats wrong. And, I was all teary, and was blubbering I just threw uuuuuup. Why am I crying? I don't know. So she took my to the hotel. I called Adam and he was like, I'm coming to get you. The sweetest husband. However, it would take longer for him to come and get me then for me to just catch my plane and come on back. So, I made it back and now I'm feeling much better!

My boys survived this weekend. It was so good to see them. I don't like being apart from Adam, even though this weekend was really fun, its just not the same without my besty. Okay, I'll post pictures from the wedding soon. Enjoy the end of your Labor Day


Lora said...

Probably a virus, but maybe homesickness? You never did make a good sick person!

Brooke & Freeland said...

Oh my my! I am so sorry!!! Thats the worst! First, being away from home & the hubby .. second, being away from home & the hubby & getting sick! Im so sorry friend! Im glad you made it home without any "episodes" on the plane! :) I cant wait to see pictures!

kjds said...

you know what the ladies here ask me when i have tummy troubles ... ha! :)

so sorry you were sick! and flying is not OK when your stomach is acting up. and without the hub! this happened to me once and i said (for a while) i would never fly again without kevin ... well, i am OK with that now. but it is better then they are there!

Lora said...


kjds said...

yes, she is a girl. i won't tell her you thought otherwise. i know her name seems a tad boy-ish, but it was the only waco-y name kev and i could agree on. apparently baylor is not a good dog name. aggies ...