
A Surprising Rave

Today in the cafeteria, I had to buy Dasani lemon water. I was not excited. See, in the past, I've tried Propel fitness water, which tasted like watered down gatorade i.e. yuck-o. But I was thirsty today- I had forgotten my water bottle. So, I bought Dasani lemon water and guess what? It's delicious! Dasani lemon water is not so lemon-y that your cheeks suck in and you accuse it of being lemonade. Yet, its not like restaurant water with the hint of lemon.. somewhere far off in the distance. You don't get the idea that it can't make up its mind about who it is. It's Dasani naturallemonflavoredwaterbeverage, by golly, and don't you forget it!

Dasani Lemon Water..... finally, a beverage without identity issues.


Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Forget the water already, have you had a pepperoni ball yet???

the Jennings secede from the South said...

no, not yet. Where do I go? I forgot!

Anonymous said...

hey missus jennings. try fruit h20 lemon water with a splash of vodka. forget the peppperonni balls cuz you get the bad breath. i like your blog and all your pals. will you link to my blog to?

Ron said...

I've heard that that International Bakery on 18th Street (between Cherry and Liberty St.) has AWESOME pepperoni balls. Try them out!