
Fried Hair

My Aliyah hair mishap retelling reminded me of another bad hair experience.  Ironically enough, this also happened my freshman year of college.  (What are the odds?)

So, once my weave was taken out and I had grown my hair out a few inches, I decided that I should get a "body wave."  Ah, 2001- the year of the body wave.  Basically, a body wave is like a perm but not so spiral-y.  It's perm-lite.  For folks that want to look like you have effortless, wavy hair without actually being born with any curl in your hair.  

Anywhoos, so I secretly went to this place and got a body wave by the only free stylist (maybe that should've been my first clue?  The non-booked stylist?)  At this point in life, my hair had been highlighted, low lighted, and colored within an inch of it's life.  So, the body wave probably wasn't the best idea.  

This was confirmed when he took out all the curlers and said, "Oh wow."  

Not like, "Oh wow! Yippee."  Like, "Yikes...oh whoops."

My hair was fried, folks.  Fried like a #2 from KFC.  I slept with conditioner in it every night and wore it in a ponytail during the day.  I used my roommate's hair dryer to try and straighten out my long bangs but they just stuck out STRAIGHT to the side like a reverse Alfalfa hairdo. 

Worst of all?  Me, being so smooth, decided to just fib.  I was embarrassed that I'd gotten a body wave so, when people asked, I just told them my hair must be getting curlier (scratch that, frizzier and wiry-like) in my old age.  Eight months later, I had grown out the monstrous fried atrocity and chopped it off into a cute bob of  brown, straight locks.  And that's the way we like it.  


Lora said...

NOW tomorrow you need to fess up to how many colors you have been! HA HA!

Anonymous said...

remember freshman year when i decided to get dreds for pledge dance? yeah, that was a bad idea. i haven't put one product on my hair besides shampoo, conditioner, and hairspray since then. (and i've only used hairspray twice...when i was a bride's maid.)

Hannah Lee said...

Wow! I bet you looked cute with some wave! Maybe you should try it again...

Ann Miller said...

let me extend a friendly, cousinly warning...sometimes, (probably more often than any of us would like,) pregnancy--especially late term--makes one think a completely totally new hairdo would be the best idea ever. please, just say no. your judgement at this time must be equivalent to that of a person who has partaken of entire bottle of vodka (or whatever the kids are drinking these days). my do during this final trimester of my first pregnancy left me w/bangs. not cute, blow dry to the side bangs, but short across your forehead bangs. not cute, not stylish, but exactly what i had suggested to my unsuspecting hair cutter. let my experience be a lesson to you and others!

adrian seney said...

Ha!Ha! Ann's comment is just about as funny as your post! I love my family!!!

Brooke & Freeland said...

That is SO funny! Why didnt I know you back then!? I was cracking up! I want to hear more!!!

The Tylers said...

That cracks me up! Thanks girl. I needed that!!!

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

I had to STOP reading at the word "weave".......weave and white girl just don't go together.