And the grand total is...
28 days.
4 weeks.
10 pounds.
Yes, it's true. I went in for my doctor's appt. yesterday afternoon and the scale said I was up 10 pounds from a mere 4 weeks (to the day) ago. HOLY COW! I had a minor panic attack and then, when the doctor came in, I bombarded her with the news.
"Did you know I gained 10 lbs. this month?!"
She said not to worry and that it was totally fine, she was not worried about my weight gain and, after all, we had just had the holidays.
(Plus, I'd always been weighed in the morning and, again, everyone knows that morning weight is NOT afternoon weight.)
So, I'm trying to relax about it. I am going to watch the junk food a little more carefully (hopefully now that the holidays are winding down, the cakes, cookies, and candy will not be as omnipresent.) because that junk food doesn't benefit me or the baby (excluding ice cream...hello, calcium!!! ha ha.) But I'm still going to eat well because, hey...I'm pregnant. And baby is hungry.
According to my original weight, my weight gain should be 25-35 pounds by delivery. We will see though.
So, week 25...I'm up 17 lbs. from my original weight.
(Allow me to point out that my dear mother gained like 17 lbs her ENTIRE PREGNANCY. Silly thin woman.)
Grand Weigh In
Week 8: -4 lbs. from original weight ( I was sick a lot during the 1st trimester)
Week 12: -2 lbs. from original weight
Week 16: +1 lb. from original weight
Week 21: +7 lbs. from original weight (ha, I clearly enjoyed Thanksgiving!)
Week 25: We will see.....
Any bets?
Although, I feel I should warn you. All my doctor's appointments until now have been in the early morning and today's will be at 4:45 p.m. EVERYONE knows that evening weight is totally different from morning weight. Who bothers to weigh themselves in the evening? I only bother to weigh myself butt naked, with dry hair, straight out of bed, after I pee but before I drink ANYTHING.
So hedge your bets for the grand ol' weigh-in!
Uncle Free Free and Aunt Brooklyn
A year ago today, we were getting ready to pick up these two yahoos from the airport in Cleveland. They were coming to visit us, not knowing for sure yet if Freeland was accepted into med school but hoping that he was. And lo and behold, here they are a year later. Just tonight, they sat at our kitchen table and ate Adam's special quesadillas (recipe coming one day, I promise).
Nesting Time
She's A-Growing
I feel like I should edit my Seven Pounds post. My impression of the movie could have to do more with my delicate hormones. Adam said that, although it was depressing, he left with a renewed appreciation of life and wanting to bless other while he lives. ANYWHOOS...
We've been reading the Christmas story to Baby Jennings. You think you'd feel weird reading aloud to your stomach but it actually feels pretty natural. I guess all these years of talking to myself have prepared me for talking to a little guy inside my belly.
Productive Day!
I was tagged!
We have guests!
Fried Hair
Aliyah Hair.
1. When I was a freshman in college, I had really short hair and decided to get extensions. After all, celebrities get them all the time and their hair looks great, right? So, my friend, Mary Hurst, and I went down to a place called Queens by La'trice one Saturday morning and I spent 4 hours in the chair. (La'trice had me pick up my extensions from a beauty supply the day before). First of all, she braided all of my hair to my head (very tightly- ow). Then, she sewed the extensions onto my hair. Then, she trimmed up the extensions into a fashionable, layery cut. The only problem? Well, I basically had African American hair on my pale, freckly Caucasian face. It was like Aliyah's hair on my head (rest in peace). It just did not look right, people. Plain and simple.
I left the extensions in for approximately three days. I spent most of these three days with my hair in a ponytail. Then, my scalp was itching and I couldn't reach it except by jamming pencil lead into my skull and so I surrendered and walked down to my friend Mary's dorm room and she cut out all my extensions.
P.S. I only have one photo documenting this hair excursion. It was taken on a disposable camera and my hair is in a ponytail at a Baylor football game. I kinda wish I had some more documentation for you.
Fa Ra Ra

I almost drove the car into the ditch the first time I passed it, I was laughing so hard. Genius, I tell you. And class.
Adam & I attended a one-year-old's birthday party yesterday. He was so sad to be pulled away from his presents (or at least the wrapping paper) to go and eat his first piece of cake. He had no idea what he was about get into. His life was about to change...forever.
He stared the cake down and hesitantly reached for the it, alternating right hand then left hand, right hand then left hand. Then he dug his hand in for his first bite of oreo cake (or any cake for that matter). And he brought his clenched fist to his lips and slowly, carefully released the delicious chocolate into his mouth and the house filled with his sweet laughter. It was a sight to be seen.
He continued until moments later, he chunked the entire plate into the air and half of the cake landed on his high chair tray (score!) and the other half on the floor (score for the dog!)
Speaking of, I do think that Powers will make a good clean-up crew for our son's messy eating days.
Shout Out!
Let us rejoice!
I like to think that Baby Boy is enjoying the return to normal foods too. (Did you know that the amniotic fluid he drinks tastes different according to what the mom eats?) So I'm sure he's glad to not be drinking sprite and (gag me) chicken broth.
I was reading the beginning of Luke this morning where a pregnant Mary walks in and says "Hey!" to Elizabeth (pregnant with John the Baptist) and John the Baptist leaps for joy in her womb and Elizabeth was immediately filled with the Holy Spirit and knew it was the Messiah in Mary's womb. How cool was that?!?
Where's the beef?
Let me tell you who a clear liquids diet is NOT for: A starving pregnant woman!!!!!
Monday Ramblings
I am feeling a little bleh stomach icky today. Having some digestive troubles that I will not expound upon for the sake of your delicate ears. (But if you want to hear about them, call me! I love talking about it.) I cannot and will not complain though because I have had way too good of a 2nd trimester and baby boy is thumping away in there and we are just too stinking blessed. (Although might I suggest a change from the sandpaper industrial strength toilet paper at my workplace?)
This weekend heralds the 2nd annual girls' group Christmas party. Last year it was at our house and everyone wore tacky sweaters. This year it will be at Elizabeth's house and everyone will wear tacky sweaters again. (There's only so many occasions you can wear a good tacky Christmas sweater on, right?) Adam is nearing the finish line for this term and will soon have two weeks off in which he will begin Operation Nursery. Step 1- pulling out carpet in nursery to reveal...tadaaaa original wood floors.
Pee Pee TeePee

Moving on to diaper Bags...what the heck? Some are $20 others are $750. And there are like sixty kabillion with different features, functions, and foldy diaper pads included. Any advice?
Mayo Boy
The cool news is that we are feeling the baby move! It started Tuesday night when I was laying in bed. All of a sudden, it was like my cell phone was vibrating inside my abdomen. That little munchkin was moving! Then, the next morning after we'd sprinted through the looong psychadelic tunnel system of the Detroit airport and finally been seated on our plane (in the nick of time!), I had a bite of a peanut butter bar that Brooke had made for us and our son must've liked it because he started moving like crazy again. This time, though, it was more like bubbles inside of me.
Side Note: When I relayed this story to my family, my eldest brother suggested that we name our son "Bubbles." Manly, huh?
Anyways, it is so incredible to feel this little guy moving around. Adam even got to feel it on Thursday morning. The whole new kicking revelation made me so excited to meet him and cuddle his little cute self. He is definitely a tiny miracle baby (Not to be confused with Miracle Whip baby...he is not a mayo boy).
P.S. Mom, will you send me the pictures from Thanksgiving? Thanks.
Ode to Gal Pals
The kind of gals with whom you can say whatever off-the-wall thing is on your mind or blubber about your insecurities.
Girlfriends who teach you how to be a good friend and girlfriends who tell you when you should honestly walk away from that relationship.
Girlfriends who take time to be at your big moments and girlfriends who will go with you to egg that bad relationship guy's car.
Girlfriends who call out wonderful things in you and remind you of promises that you can stand on.
I think about the dear friends that were in my life for just a season and the ones who have walked with me through years and years.
Gal pals are worth investing in, worth making time for, worth being vulnerable. Thank you, God, for women who make us feel surrounded and rooted. Validated and understood. Less guilty about eating another Christmas white fudge oreo.
1000 calories of marshmallows
Week 20 Baby Belly
We are having a great weekend and looking forward to a short work week- woohoo! Because it's a short work week, I don't have that sad Sunday-night-the-weekend-is-almost-over-feeling.
We went to a big ol' Thanksgiving party on Friday night where my contribution (death by chocolate bunt cake) caved in and spread out into a weird, much flatter bunt cake. I used twice the amount of chocolate chips in the recipe and think that they compromised the structural integrity of the cake. Oh well, still tasted good.
Everytime you hear "Bunt Cake", do you think of My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Bunt Cake. Boooont Cake?
Anywhoos, we left the Thanksgiving party before the beer pong or knife juggling began, as is probably appropriate for lady in my delicate state, right? Plus, Grandpa Jennings and I like to be home by 9 p.m., duh.
Did I tell you that Powers ate an entire bag of marshmallows last week? We left it, unopened, on the kitchen table. We came home and the bag was on the floor with no marshmallows left. 1000 calories in that bag, folks. And Powers didn't even puke. Impressive, huh?
Strange Dream
Then I let Powers down and he sprinted onto the restaurant's long table's bench and jostled about the food on the table.
Weird huh?

Christmas Card picture 2007:

Hope your Christmas is as classy as we are.
Christmas Card picture 2008...no idea. Currently suffering brain freeze/laziness.
I am not suffering brain freeze. That's what you get when you eat ice cream too quickly. Whoops. I'm losing my mind.
Although ice cream does sound really good right now. That is all.
Benefits of Growing A Baby on Thanksgiving
Or he could send us Gabriel, the angel, and he could give us a name! Either way, either way.
Meanwhile, we are getting buttloads of snow up here in Erie! I wish I had my camera here because we had a foot fall on Monday night! It was so beautiful because it was also thundering and lightning and the whole world was really bright.
Also, I had forgotten how light outside the snow makes the night time. Because the white blanketing everything reflects the moonlight and streetlights, you can really see quite a bit at night. It sure is pretty. Adam & I put on our boots and took a Lorelai walk (Don't tell Adam I called it that- Gilmore reference) with Powers on Monday and soaked up all the pretty snow.
We really couldn't have picked a better time for me to be pregnant. I cannot wait until Thanksgiving. This Thanksgiving I am pregnant and, therefore, expected to expand and so I can guilt-free eat my share of spinach madeline and dressing. (No comments on gluttony, thank you.) I'm also not into my 3rd trimester so heartburn hasn't hit yet. Also, helping contribute to the best Thanksgiving ever is stretchy maternity pants! I bet everyone in the fam is going to want a pair by the end of Turkey Day!
What is in a name?
See, before we knew the sex of our child, names were so simple. We had a boy name and girl name that we'd both liked since forever ago. They were nice, they were different but not too weird. We liked them. It was too easy.
Now, the SECOND that we found out we're having a boy, suddenly we're all...
"Wait, we can't name our son _______, people will call him ______ when he's in jr. high!"
It's all so real. There is this little baby boy coming. For real. And he's going to grow up and go to jr. high. And then he's going to be a man. With a resume (prayerfully) with his name on top!
So, we have names that we like now but which one. Which one. WHICH ONE?!?
We have a hard enough time making our minds up ordering off the menu at Chili's.
Per Your Request
Sono Time!
Weekly Traditions
Adam's First Paternal Dream
Adam was so upset but everyone assured him that the baby was fine and that this happens all the time.
So, he walks over to the crib and the baby is lying there with black eyes and a broken-looking nose. Adam felt awful.
Then his dream fast-forwarded a few years and he is facing my cousin Adrian's daughter, Audrey. ( I think we'd read your blog right before bed!) Except in the dream Audrey was our child. The same child that fell off Adam's chest, except now her face looks fine. Adorable, in fact! So, Adam bends down and says:
"Hey. I'm sorry about letting you roll off and hit the floor when you were a baby."
And Audrey says, "That's okay, Dad!" And scampers off to play.
Monday Happenings
Expecto Halloweeno!
Friday night, Sarah & Drew threw a rockin' Halloween party. Complete with good food, Catch Phrase, ghost stories, and s'mores.