
Breaking News Bulletin

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to bring you this urgent and wonderful news announcement: 

I have discovered the secret to pregnancy

Yes, that's right. 

It's called the body pillow.  And although it's equivalent to adding another full-size human to our already squished bed, it is so worth it.  This is the breakthrough for which I've been waiting. 

Now if I could just get rid of those pesky leg cramps in the middle of the night.  I just read they were due to a calcium deficiency so I better pick up a pint of ben & jerry's while I'm out, eh?


Ann Miller said...

it's amazing how those kind of discoveries can just make your pregnancy!!! anything to help you get thru...sometimes those last few weeks can become a "psychotic" phase...not for me, of course, but for some other people!

The Kiser's said...

lol, it's funny how a lot of your posts end up with you having a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

Anonymous said...

Cool, now your next 4 pregnancies will be easy.

Once Adam invents the cure for morning sickness...

Our Family said...

I remember when I discovered the body pillow!!! I actually was going to bring you mine to see if you needed one...if you need another, let me know!! : )

freakface said...

Sorry, I assumed you already knew about this one.

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

OH MY...got those leg cramps also and one night.....one leg cramped up so I had to get out of bed to straighten it and then the other cramped up.....they were both cramped and I was preggo and Dana was in DENVER....and I couldn't move and was all mangled hanging on the bed literally screaming because I couldn't get my calves to straighten out. I will never forget that. Potassium is also a leg cramp issue.

Anonymous said...

The absurd situation has turned out